Solvera Lynx has joined a consortium of companies led by Petrol, d.d. in the implementation of the project Demonstration of Integrated Energy Management (DEUP). The project will develop solutions for active consumption integration, advanced demand response management, and energy management. Demonstration projects will be carried out in collaboration with large industrial customers from the iron, automotive and electrical industries. Due to the specifics of individual groups of clients and the target of the most applicable application implementation, we divided the work into 3 content sets.
- The first work package, the FLEXIBLE ENERGY MANAGEMENT PLATFORM IN STEELFLEX, is led by Solvera Lynx and relates to the development of an advanced platform for managing flexible consumption. Two pilot demonstrations will be carried out, namely 1 flexible consumption umbrella platform and a targeted Steelfleks application for the steel industry.
- The second work package combines the development and implementation of EMS adapted for classical industrial production t.i. factory management system or FEMS for short. There will be 2 pilot installations of FEMS and 1 pilot installation of comprehensive energy monitoring of the transformer.
- The third work package focuses on energy optimization of water supply systems, where 2 pilot installations will be carried out.
Project information.
- Project start: June 2017
- Expected completion of the project: 2020
- Contact person: software solutions development manager,
The tender is co-financed by.
- SPIRIT Slovenia – Public Agency for Entrepreneurship:
- European Structural and Investment Funds:
- Ministry of Economic Development and Technology:
- Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy:
The Demonstration of Integrated Energy Management project (DEUP) was selected in a public tender of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and SPIRIT Slovenia, the public agency “Pilot/Demonstration Projects – set I: energy conversion, distribution and management” for co-financing the operation “Demonstration of integrated energy management” with a decision no. 303-7-4/2016/7, partly financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and SPIRIT Slovenia, a public agency.